Social Issue Project

 Artist Statement 

For this project, I decided to go with a topic I feel most passionate about. There are plenty of social issues out there, but when I thought about being creative with this, I wanted to do something that would allow me to explore the creative possibilities. So I decided to create my own campaign poster promoting ways to save energy and help the environment.

This poster was done on Photoshop and each image I am in shows what and what not to do in order to save energy. The images were taken with my digital camera, using self-timers, and then adding effects to enhance or darken each photo. I made sure the "do not" images were done in black and white to make them stand out in a way that is more negative and would make people refrain from doing. The lighter colored images are placed below with the green arrow and brighter colors with alternatives to save money, energy, and ultimately the environment. 

Some challenges with this project was to make sure that I followed the camera techniques. I wanted to make each image creative by providing examples of common things we do everyday, and also suggest alternatives to help the environment. Making sure I had enough space on the poster was also important in order to make all of the items fit accordingly. The slogan, "Life Starts With Earth So Let's Preserve It" is suppose to catch the viewers eyes and draw them in to this campaign poster. I really enjoyed creating this, especially since I thought about it ever since the semester began. Seeing something come to life is rewarding and also enhances creativity.